Hi-Tech Passport and Global Poverty

1) High capability citizens of global south (Entrepreneurs, PhDs, senior developers, high paid freelancers) – actors of change, able to immigrate to the global north
2) Global south governments
3) Global north governments
4) International hi-tech corporations
5) Virtual state

Successful branches of international corporations in global south are led by the local high capability citizens. The high capability citizens are enjoying not only the global north salaries but also a global north virtual citizenship (pension, social insurance, health insurance, freedom of travel and relocation, extending to first degree family). They also get to spare the burden of emigration, keeping their friends and families connections. The global south governments are losing the taxes of the high capability citizens but are gaining economic growth, working places, social lifts, global involvement etc. The global north governments are losing brain influx, but gain increased stability in the global south, to the point that by a domino effect it might actually decrease the illegal immigration pressure. They really just need to respect the new virtual state passport, it costs close to nothing and their voters can feel good about themselves. The international corporations enjoy expanding into new brain harvesting fields. The virtual state enjoys.. existing..


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